Almanar Trust Activities

Da’wah, Monthly Lectures, Workshops, Daily Madrasa, Sunday Arabic School, Van, New Muslim Support, Educational Youth & Children Camps, Quran Competition, Quran Hifdh Course, and Youth Programs.


Monday to Friday school term days, 5 – 7pm. Age: 5+


Monthly lectures

Every last Saturday of the month | After Maghrib prayer
Speakers from different mosques and Islamic centers give lectures on various interesting topics. NOTE: No Age Restrictions
For further information, Contact:


Dar Al Salam (Arabic/Islamic School)

Every Sunday 10am to 2pm, for children aged from 5-15 years
A once a week school for the Muslim children aimed at teaching them the Arabic language and Islamic studies. The school has been operating since 1998


Quran Course

Run once a year during the school holiday for students aged 12+.

Duration: 6 weeks


Tafseer (Arabic)

Every Tuesday and Friday after Maghrib prayer. Speaker: Sheikh Abu Anas

Translator available


Dawah Activites

Almanar Trust focuses on a number of areas of da’wah activities which targets a variety of people and their respective backgrounds; including Muslims and non-Muslims, new Muslims, school children, and many others.


Monthly Swimming

A monthly swimming session will be booked for our Muslim youth.

The program to include swimming & soccer, along with lunch to be provided.
Last date for registrations will be 2 days prior to each session along with payment.
* Numbers are limited, we will close the registration form when number fill

Almanar Trust focuses on a number of areas of da’wah activities which targets a variety of people and their respective backgrounds; including Muslims and non-Muslims, new Muslims, school children, and many others.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: 

“When a person dies, his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, the knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.” [Related by Muslim, Tirmidhi, and others]

Donate Online:

Amount $NZD:


Donate Towards Dawah Activities

Any good act resulting from your donations will result in your good deeds being multiplied until the Day of Judgement.

Donate by Bank Transfer

Bank: ANZ  Branch: Mt Roskill
Account No: 02-0208-0121311-00
Reference: Dawah

If you want to sponsor a specific activity, please include it in Reference. 

Donate by Cash or for more info contact:

Shaykh Abu Anas: 022 016 0269